Astrological predictions


On you can read the astrological predictions for each zodiac sign. These predictions are always fun to read and they are not just out of the blue.

 Sun sign or constellation

Only when making it is only assumed the sign where the sun stood at the moment you were born.

The sun sign, usually called a constellation, is only a small part of your entire horoscope, which also consists of the position of the moon and other planets.

To have a real picture of your horoscope you also need to know your birthplace and birth time, preferably fifteen minutes.


Predictions are made by comparing your birth chart with the state of the planets for that day, month or year.

 Astrology and predicting

Astrology makes no predictions in the sense of: this will happen to you or this will happen.

In the case of astrological predictions, only the planets for certain areas of life are examined. In this way planets can stand so that they cause conflicts or harmonious situations. Thus, favorable or less favorable expectations can be read.

 Nothing is fixed

Astrology determines how the opportunities or possibilities for certain events lie, but how it ultimately starts to run determines what you deal with these opportunities.

One thought on “Astrological predictions

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  1. Accurate Astrology Prediction can happen with proper birth details and no only birth details we need the perfect person to predict our life in astrology. So it’s my suggestion before going to meet the astrologer check with some other persons.


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